If you are reading this blog post, you are very likely familiar with early intervention or birth to three programming. I have been a speech-language pathologist since 1980, and the last 25 years of my career I … READ MORE
Language Delay
Helping Your Child With Speech and Language Therapy at Home
An evaluation from a speech language pathologist is helpful to determine your child’s strengths and weaknesses. There are many components of communication, from understanding language (receptive language) to using … READ MORE
Alpaca Pearl engages kids for learning at a neighborhood story time.
Have you ever witnessed an incredible teacher at work? I had the honor of doing that today. Jeanette Lapore, an early childhood teacher, uses her summer to lead story time in her front yard. She has had up to 45 … READ MORE
Let’s Celebrate Down Syndrome Month – Suggestions for using music with kids with Down Syndrome
October is Down Syndrome Month. Over the past 40 years (yikes!), I have had the pleasure of working with many children with Down Syndrome. I have had the honor of watching them grow into young, delightful adults. … READ MORE